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Convergence 凝​


「凝」是個需要博物館使用者「干預」光影效果的發光裝置。這種參 與象徵共同想法的凝聚能帶領社群走向更光明的前途,是孫中山先生 對大同社會實踐的想像。除了訊息上緊扣改革理念,「凝」於紀念館 更有匯聚使用者作另類有趣交流的作用,同時回應原址甘棠第標誌性 六角型瓷磚的建築特色。


The illuminative bench invites visitors to join Dr. Sun’s scene of imagination i.e., the cohesion within the society of great unity. The interaction with the lighting effect symbolizes Dr. Sun’s belief of “convergence of thoughts and efforts leads the equal community to a bright future”. Playful interaction among visitors is encouraged while having its hexagonal shape as a remark on one of the significant historical design features of the museum, the colourful floor tiles.

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